About the Hub

The Water Justice Hub was established on 14 October 2019 as an initiative of the UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance at the Australian National University. The official launch of the Water Justice Hub was on 28 September 2020.

The Water Justice Hub’s mission is to respond to water injustice and to promote both ‘voice’ and truth-telling in relation to water. While the Hub has a primary focus on Australia, especially justice for First Peoples, it responds to the global challenges of delivering ‘water for all’ or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.

The Hub brings together several initiatives. In terms of activities, the Hub will support mentoring of First Peoples water researchers and seek to leverage multiple funding sources (including philanthropic) to support a centre of excellence. The Hub would link to global water networks, such as (but not limited to) the UNESCO Water ChairsGlobal Water Forum, and the Geneva Actions on Human Water Security.

Beyond its capacity building and support for the voices of communities on water, the Hub is a centre for water justice research. A five-year Australian Research Council funded research program began on 1 July 2020 on water justice, water valuation and resilient decision-making. In terms of its research activities, the Hub works closely with its external partners and also the Institute for Water Futures, at the Australian National University.

Water Justice Hub

1. Our mission is ‘water justice for all’.

2. The hub supports and promotes our mission through:

  • research (including the ARC Laureate)
  • training and mentoring
  • events, workshops and public outreach
  • community engagement and
  • sharing of stories, tools, information and research findings.

3. The hub does not lobby, nor does it express political views for itself or any of its members. Members are free to express political views but not on behalf of the hub.

4. Individual members are free to express their own opinions on any matter, including water justice, noting that such opinions are not necessarily the opinions of the hub, its members, sponsors or partners. Individual statements by members of the hub should not be construed or understood to be the opinions of the hub.

5. Members are encouraged to propose activities for the hub and to leverage their work and actions in relation to the hub.

6. The hub is not a funding agency, it does not fund individual member’s activities or work.


7. All members must agree to the mission of the hub, namely, ‘Water Justice for All,’ and should seek to support this mission.

8. Only individuals (not organisations or agencies) can be members of the hub and membership is by invitation.

9. Diversity of views are sought and welcome by the hub and its members and others in relation to water justice. Nevertheless, the hub has an important disclaimer in relation to opinions expressed by members or stories shared on the hub website, namely, ‘stories’ shared on the hub do not necessarily represent the views of the hub, its members, its partners or sponsors.

10. The hub convenor prepares (and distributes) the annual hub report with the assistance and guidance of members. The hub convenor is accountable to the Australian National University and other sponsors for all expenditures and also for the submission of financial reports in relation to hub expenditures.