Matt Colloff, R. Quentin Grafton*, Lorrae van Kerkhoff, Virginia Marshall, Deborah Peterson, John Williams, Paul Wyrwoll
*contact author: quentin.grafton@anu.edu.au
In this submission, we provide an opening statement and respond to the terms of reference on the following key issues: (1) governance of NWI implementation and delivery; (2) Indigenous issues and interests; (3) water accounting, auditing, efficiency and measurement; (4) environmentally sustainable level of extractions; (5) integrity and accountability; (6) climate change; (7) socio-economic neutrality; (8) community service obligations; and (9) investment in water infrastructure.
The submission by the Australian National University’s Institute for Water Futures to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Inquiry is available here: https://www.pc.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/255722/sub030-water-reform-2020.pdf